1. Name

1.1 The Dally Club Ltd also known as “The Dally” or “The Club”.

1.2 It is a Private Members Club, located at 181 Upper Street, London, N1 1RQ.

1.3 The Club opening hours are as follows: Monday to Wednesday 9am-12am, Thursday to  Saturday 9am – 2am, Sunday 9am – 11pm. The Club’s opening hours can be amended at The Club’s sole discretion.

2. Membership

2.1 The Membership Committee consider all applications received for potential Membership.

2.2 The Membership Committee have authority over all matters regarding Membership.

2.3 All decisions made by the Membership Committee are made at their absolute discretion. They are final and without appeal.

2.4 Membership to The Club is by invitation or enquiry and is offered on a discretionary basis. Membership is applied for online. Applications must be complete, including payment details and all required information, before being considered by the Membership Committee.

2.5 The Club will keep all applicant and Member personal information confidential.

2.6 The Membership Committee has the right to reject or approve any application.

2.7 Successful applications will be converted into Membership once payment has been taken.

2.8 No resignations will be accepted in the first year of membership (12 months from start date). After the first year, Members may resign at any time by giving one month’s notice in writing but shall not be entitled to any refund of annual Membership fees or joining fee. 

2.9 Prospective Members must be 21 years or older at the time of application.

3. Fees and Subscriptions

3.1 Membership is for a minimum period of one year and renews automatically thereafter on an annual basis on the anniversary of the membership start date.

3.2 Any applicable joining fee is payable in advance. Annual membership fees can be paid annually in advance, at a discounted rate, or in monthly instalments. Joining fees and first membership fee payment (whether anually or monthly), are automatically debited from the credit card provided upon election as a member. 

3.3 Should a Member wish to reinstate their Membership after having cancelled, the joining fee will apply upon renewal.

4. Member Contact Details

4.1 Members shall inform the Membership team of any changes to their contact or bank details in writing.

4.2 The Dally is committed to ensuring the privacy and security of all Member information. We have put in place physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure information we collect.

5. Admission to the Club

5.1 Members are allowed to bring 3 guests to The Club. The Club reserves its right to limit or exclude guests from certain areas of the premises during special events or private functions.

5.2 Members and their guests will only be admitted to The Club during normal hours.

5.3 Members and their guests must sign in each time they visit The Club.

5.4 All guests must be accompanied by a Member at all times. If a Member leaves The Club the guests must leave with them. Members are responsible for their guests’ conduct and must follow all Club rules. Failure to do so may lead to the suspension and/or revocation of Membership.

5.5 The Manager on duty may refuse entry to any Member and/or their guest at their absolute discretion.

5.6 No food or beverages from outside are permitted to be consumed in The Club, other than for medical reasons / infants.

6. Expulsion of Members

6.1 The General Manager, acting on behalf of the Membership team, may expel or suspend any Member whose conduct might be damaging to the character or interests of The Club or render them unfit to associate with other Members of The Club.

6.2 For the avoidance of doubt, as membership is offered on a discretionary basis, The Club reserves the right to revoke the membership of any member, at any time, without having to provide a reason. 

6.3 If a Member has their Membership revoked by management, any refund of fees paid to The Club is entirely at the club's discretion.

7. Conduct

7.1 On each visit Members shall pay any account due for food and drinks before leaving. If a member leaves the club without paying, they will be charged to the card we have on file.

7.2 No Member shall remove, damage or destroy any artwork, item of furniture or any other articles belonging to The Club.

7.3 If a Member or their guest causes loss or damage as described above, the Member will bear full responsibility for the resulting costs to The Club.

7.4 The Dally observes a zero-tolerance policy to drugs. If any Member or guest is found in possession of, or using, illegal drugs they will be asked to leave, and their Membership will be terminated. If they do not leave, the police will be called.

7.5 Laptops, devices and work materials are to be put away from 6pm.

7.6 All members and their guests are asked to respect our neighbours by being quiet when leaving the club or while in the surrounding area.

7.7 No smoking or vaping of any kind is allowed inside the Club. Smoking is permitted directly outside the front of the club.

7.8 Absolute discretion is respected in the Club and no pictures or videos of other members are to be taken on the premises at any time.

8. Members Property

8.1 Property entrusted by a Member or his guest to a Member of staff for safe keeping, or any other purpose does so entirely at their own risk. Members and their guests are solely responsible for any personal items or property they bring onto the premises.

8.2 Any items found in The Club will be recorded in the lost property book, held for 28 days from the date found and then disposed of.

9. Complaints

9.1 Any incident that may occur in The Club or immediately outside the premises that involves a Member, or the guest of a Member, should be reported immediately to the General Manager, or the manager on duty.

9.2 Aggressive or abusive behaviour by Members or their guests, towards staff, Members, or guests of Members will not be tolerated. Such behaviour will result in immediate expulsion from The Club and possibly suspension or termination of Membership. 

10. Children

10.1 The Dally is a Members’ club for adults. Under 18s are welcome as guests in the Living Room, Restaurant and Loft until 10pm. Children must be supervised at all times. Due to the nature of our space, pushchairs must be foldable.

11. Dogs

11.1 Well-behaved dogs are welcome in the Living Room and the Loft. Please bring a lead, keep paws on floors and be mindful of others. Certified assistance dogs are welcome throughout The Club.

11.2 We trust the judgement of our members if they feel their four-paw friend is as well behaved as they are. The Club will not be liable for any incidences that occur within the club premise.

12. Facilities and Services

12.1 The Dally reserves its right to change, withdraw and/or enhance any or all of the facilities, services and/or benefits from time to time. Including for private events, essential refurbishment, maintenance or repair, and/ or to comply with any legal or operational requirements. When facilities or services are closed, The Dally will use its reasonable endeavours to reinstate them as soon as reasonably practicable.

12.2 The Dally may place limitations on use by Members and their guests in order to control capacity of spaces within the premises. This may include limitations on the number of Members and guests permitted on the premises.

12.3 To the maximum extent possible in law, the Owner, The Club, its directors, employees, agents and representatives shall not be liable for any injury, physical or mental, sustained by any Member or guest.

13. Agreement

13.1 Any of these rules may be revoked, supplemented, or altered by the company at any time.

13.2 All Members agree to be bound by these rules.

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